Elementary ELA

A teacher reading to her class

Literacy Vision

Wicomico County Public School’s literacy instruction is relevant, purposeful, and explicitly taught with high expectations for all students. Each student is provided the opportunity to develop foundational skills, build knowledge and vocabulary through interacting with complex texts, and engage in evidence-based writing to become lifelong readers, writers, and communicators.

ELA Parent Brochure

Comprehensive Literacy Plan

Fishtank Newsletters

Renee Hall
Supervisor of Elementary Reading K-5

Ready to Read ACT

The Ready to Read ACT of 2019, students with reading difficulties, and the code of Maryland regulations, 13a.03.08, students at risk for reading difficulties, requires local education agencies (LEA) to provide screening for all kindergarten students and identify first grade, second grade, and third grade students who may be at risk for reading difficulties. it includes a provision of supplemental reading instruction for identified students; progress monitoring; annual reporting requirements; and evaluation of the screening program. 

Universal Screening

Students in Kindergarten – 5th grade take the iReady diagnostic three times a year. The iReady diagnostic measures phonological awareness, phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, and comprehension (literature and informational). These screening results are used as an indicator of a child’s reading abilities. They help school staff identify students who need extra reading support as well as the type of support that is needed. Parents and guardians will receive a report containing their child’s screening results.

Elementary Reading Intervention

WCPS has a variety of programs designed to complement the systematic and explicit first instruction provided by classroom teachers. Reading Specialists and Interventionists assigned to each elementary school are formally trained to implement a variety of evidence-based interventions that address all five core components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.