Elementary Mathematics K-5

Wicomico County follows the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards.  These standards represent not only a shift in curriculum and instruction but also in how students learn.  This shift requires that students engage in thinking and discussion in math class and become active learners rather than passive listeners.  

Parents can talk with their child about perseverance, which is referenced in practice 1 of the eight "practices." Students should be encouraged not to give up and pose questions when they are confused. Active participation develops these deep understandings while improving their overall reasoning and problem-solving skills.

K-5 students utilize enVision Mathematics as the core resource for daily instruction.  Students and parents can log into the digital platform through their Clever account.  The student landing page provides options for families to access current and previous lessons as well as resources that may provide extra support. These links can be used to access enVision resources for parents.

Grade K: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade K

Grade 1: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade 1

Grade 2: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade 2

Grade 3: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade 3

Grade 4: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade 4

Grade 5: enVision Math 2024 Family Engagement Grade 5

Elementary students also utilize supplemental digital resources to meet individual learning needs.  DreamBox and Success Maker provide students with learning paths that adjust regularly based on their response to content. Students are expected to work within these platforms for 60 minutes per week. These programs are also accessed through Clever. 

K-5 students also engage in Number Talks several times per week.  This 5-10 minute routine helps to develop fluency with all four operations.  Students apply their understanding of place value and basic facts to mentally solve computational problems accurately and with a variety of strategies that make sense.   Students share strategies through meaningful discourse developing content vocabulary and communication skills.

Teachers utilize a variety of formal and informal assessments.  In addition to these assessments, students in K-5 take the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment three times a year.  These assessment results help teachers make daily instructional decisions in order to provide just-in-time support utilizing our current programs and instructional practices.  Additionally, students in Grades 3-5 will take the MCAP Mathematics Assessment in the spring testing window of each year.

Doing Math

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