Elementary Science
All WCPS Elementary School students take a Science Class. The scheduling of science varies from school to school, but in general, students should expect to average 30 minutes per day in science.
The Elementary School Science Curriculum takes a spiraled approach in which topics are examined and reexamined in subsequent grades with increasing complexity, rigor, and sophistication.
All students will become scientifically and environmentally literate individuals who are skilled, reflective, and empowered to make informed decisions that benefit themselves, their families, and their local and global communities within an increasingly complex and continually changing world.
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Office of Science prioritizes coherence, collaboration, and communication to lead Maryland’s local school systems and other stakeholders in achieving high quality, three-dimensional science teaching, learning, and assessment across all science disciplines and in all grade levels to develop scientifically and environmentally literate graduates.
Maryland Science Standards
Science instruction in Maryland schools aims for all students to successfully achieve the ambitious vision of Maryland’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The standards include rigorous performance expectations for each level of school and seamlessly incorporate the practices of science with the content of science. For more information on Maryland’s Science Standards, please contact the Science Coordinator or visit the Next Gen Science website.
Life and the Environment
Weather and Climate
Pushes and Pulls
1st Grade
Waves: Light and Sound
Structure, Function, and Information Processing
Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles
2nd Grade
Structure and Properties of Matter
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
Earth's Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth
3rd Grade
Forces and Interactions
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Environmental Impacts on Organisms
Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits
Weather and Climate
4th Grade
Energy and Waves
Structure, Function, and Information Processing
Earth’s Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth
5th Grade
Structure and Properties of Matter
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
Earth’s Systems
Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System