Enrollment for 2025-2026 opens online April 5

Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year

Registration and Enrollment

Registering on a Mobile Device? Click Here For iPhone Click Here for Android

To Register your child online:                                 

1) Click "Online Registration" link below                                                    

2) Then click on "Request an account"                                                      

3) Select "I am a parent/guardian registering my child online             

Para registrar a su hijo en linea:

1) Haga clic en el enlace "Registro en linea" a continuación  

2) Luego haga clic en "Solicitar una cuenta"  

3) Seleccione "Soy un padre/tutor que registra a mi hijo en linea  

Pou Anrejustre pitit ou a sou Entenet:

1) Klike sou lyen "Enskripsyon sou entènèt" anba a

2) Lè sa a, klike sou "Mande yon kont"

3) Chwazi "Mwen se yon paran/gadyen k ap enskri pitit mwen an sou entènèt


Click here for ONLINE REGISTRATION for all grades.

Learn HOW TO register a student online. --->  "Creating An Account" Instructions

(***Please note that registration MUST be done on a computer. It cannot be done on a cell phone.)

Please download Physical Examination Form - Physical Examination Form
Por favor descargue el Formulario de Examen Fiscico -
Formulario de Examen Fisico
Tanpri Telechaje Fom Egzamen fizik -
Fom Egzamen Fizik

ENROLLMENT (Grades 1-12)

Students through age 20 who have not already earned a high school diploma, satisfied graduation requirements for a diploma, or completed high school educational requirements in a foreign county are eligible to attend Wicomico County Public Schools if the student resides in Wicomico County on a full-time basis with their legal guardian(s).

Wicomico County works hard to ensure every parent/guardian who resides in Wicomico County has access to register his or her student(s). This website provides valuable enrollment information for legal guardian(s) and students.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS or are experiencing difficulty with online registration, please contact your school, OR send an email to enroll@mywcps.org

Kindergarten is mandatory for all Maryland children who are 5 by that date unless the parents or guardians have completed a Kindergarten-Level of Maturity Waiver Form seeking later admission. Children registering for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year must have turned 5 by Sept. 1, 2024. For information, please contact Melissa Eiler at 410-677-4563.

Prekindergarten is not mandatory for Maryland students, but provides an excellent foundation for children’s success in school.  All Prekindergarten programs are full day. There are two Prekindergarten options in Wicomico Schools:

Prekindergarten 4 is offered at elementary schools with primary grades throughout Wicomico County to qualified children who are 4 by Sept. 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.

Prekindergarten 3 is also offered for the 2024-2025 school year at two Wicomico schools (Pemberton and Chipman) with primary grades, and is open to qualified children who are 3 by Sept. 1, 2024.

For PreK-3, PreK-4 and Kindergarten enrollment, please follow this link: https://aspen.wicomicoschools.org/