Program Goals and Objectives
To increase the English proficiency of English Language Learners (K-12) for Wicomico County Public School Students. The school system will provide high-quality language instruction to increase English proficiency levels in order to promote academic achievement. ESOL Program services include, (a) pull-out with ESOL teachers, (b) plug-in, (c) mainstream and (d) scheduled ESOL classes.
To provide high-quality professional development for ESOL teachers and tutorial services to enhance student learning opportunities and maximize academic achievement.
To provide meaningful community engagement programs, family literacy services, and parent outreach activities for English Language Learners and their families.
To use data to make informed decisions about classroom strategies and instructional practices to meet the diverse needs of English Language Learners.
To promote opportunities for content teachers to work (co-teach) with ESOL teachers to increase students’ proficiency levels.
To prepare students for college and career post-secondary opportunities.