High School Mathematics Program (9-12)
High School Math Course Progressions

Descriptions for the above courses can be found in the course catalog for the current school year.
Concurrent/Original Credit Courses in High School
In high school, students have additional opportunities to accelerate their learning of mathematics. As our high schools now operate on semester-based schedules, students have the opportunity to take multiple math courses during the school year when their schedule allows. In addition, we strive to offer original-credit courses during summer school for Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra 2.
Regardless of student acceleration, students are still required to enroll in at least one mathematics course each year of high school (grades 9-12). Additional information regarding high school math requirements can be found here.
Required Assessments
Teachers utilize a variety of formal and informal assessments. In addition to these assessments, students in grades 6-8, and Algebra I will take NWEA MAP Growth Assessment at least twice each year. These assessment results help teachers make daily instructional decisions in order to provide just-in-time support utilizing our current programs and instructional practices. Additionally, students in Algebra 1 will take the MCAP Mathematics Assessment in the testing window of each semester. These assessments are aligned to the grade-level course.
Curriculum Documents
Students in high school utilize a variety of resources specific to their math course.
Students in grades 9-12 have access to ALEKS, an artificially intelligent learning and assessment platform that identifies students’ knowledge of a subject and provides instruction based on topics students are ready to learn. ALEKS adapts based on student performance and tailors instruction based on students’ assessed needs. ALEKS is accessed through students’ Clever account.
Students in grades 9-12 have access to DeltaMath, an online platform utilized by teachers to help support students' mastery of content through practice, remediation, complete solutions, and video assistance. DeltaMath is accessed through students' Clever account.
Advanced Placement
Students enrolled in advanced placement courses may access curriculum and resources through their CollegeBoard account.
Dual Enrollment
Students have the opportunity to enroll in college mathematics courses as part of our dual enrollment program. Students who enroll and successfully complete these courses will earn high school and college credit. Please note that receiving college credits does not guarantee every college a student may attend later will accept the credits. Please contact your student’s guidance counselor for more information and pre-enrollment requirements.

**Please note this is subject to change. Consult guidance counselors prior to making enrollment decisions and WCPS Dual Enrollment.