Dr. Jeffrey Baer
Supervisor, Fine Arts
Middle School Visual Arts
Through sequenced instruction in art, Wicomico County hopes to instill in students both knowledge of art skills and the appreciation of art as it affects the students’ daily living. Because of the nature of the content, instruction in art classrooms should rely heavily upon student participation.
Wicomico County’s curriculum guide will provide guidance for teachers, because it includes in this document the parameters for the local art program. This guide includes the local philosophy, course outcomes as well as scope and sequence, and descriptions of successful instructional strategies. In addition, the guide contains descriptions of activities that apply to each strategy. Finally, it provides sample assessments that go beyond traditional objective testing to performance assessment. Thus, this guide describes what should be taught and provides an introduction to performance assessment.
The goals of Art Education are to develop an understanding in the following four content areas:
Outcome I: Perceiving and responding – Aesthetic Education
The student will demonstrate the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to ideas, experiences, and the environment.
Outcome II: Historical, Cultural, and Social Contexts
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the visual arts as a basic aspect of history and human experience.
Outcome III: Creative Expression and Production
The student will demonstrate the ability to organize knowledge and ideas for expression in the production of art.
Outcome IV: Aesthetic Criteria
The students will demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze, and apply criteria for making visual judgements.
Fine Arts Staff