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Parkside Rams student-athlete running the ball during Rams football game vs Cambridge-SD

Wicomico County Public Schools is proud of the organized program of athletics offered for student-athletes in our middle and high schools. Our goal is to develop young men and women to be successful citizens in a highly competitive world, and organized sports is a wonderful opportunity to achieve that goal. We encourage and demand sportsmanship in all of the sports that we offer during the school year.

GoFan Digital Ticketing Process for HOME Athletic Events in Wicomico County

Wicomico County Public Schools wants to remind fans about the digital ticketing process for ALL athletic events taking place on WCPS' high school campuses of James M. Bennett, Mardela, Parkside and Wicomico High Schools.

Here’s what’s new and how it will work:

1. Wicomico County Public Schools is now using the GoFan website for digital ticketing of all HOME athletic events. Home and Visiting Team fans must purchase tickets online through the high school’s webpage.

2. Fans are encouraged to buy digital tickets online "before" reaching the facility, as cash purchases are no longer available.

           -Simply log onto
           -Enter your high school's name
           -Click on "Get Tickets" for the event you wish to attend

3. If a student does not have a credit card, a parent can purchase the ticket and transfer it to the child and the child can then show the digital ticket on their phone at the entrance. (You will have the option to copy the link, and then message (text) or email the ticket link to another person.)

4. Parents can also purchase digital tickets for relatives who want to attend. You can do one of two things.

     a) Transfer the tickets to relatives and they can then have their own digital tickets to show

     b) Or you could simply meet them at the entrance, show the digital ticket and walk in together.

5. All children six and under will be admitted free.

6. Digital tickets will be available for purchase a few days before the actual Game Day.

We look forward to a great season for our student-athletes, coaches, and fans.