For Retirees
Wicomico County Public Schools (WCPS) revised the HIPAA Privacy Notice on September 2013 to reflect the new requirements of the final HIPAA Omnibus Rule. HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and requires that WCPS provide CareFirst health insurance participants access to a Notice of Privacy Practices.
Aetna Retirement
Aetna Plan Summary
Maryland State Retirement/Pension System
Benefit Handbooks
EPO Summary of Benefits and Coverage - The purpose of the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) is to provide individuals with standard information so they can compare medical plans as they make decisions about which plan to choose.
PPO Summary of Benefits and Coverage - The purpose of the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) is to provide individuals with standard information so they can compare medical plans as they make decisions about which plan to choose.
Insurance Rate Information
Retire Health Insurance Rates 2024-25
Lincoln Financial Retirement Consultants
To schedule an appointment go to the online scheduler and select from the available time slots. Once you've set up your meeting, you'll receive a confirmation email as well as a reminder email the day before the appointment.
Elaine Norris
Phone: 410-751-6851
Joshua Scher 443-630-0260
Dave Weiland
Phone: 410-236-2494