Middle School Mathematics Program (6-8)

Students in middle school utilize a variety of resources specific to their math course. 


Teachers in grades 6 - 8 utilize Desmos as a supplemental resource to the core IM curriculum. Desmos is an interactive platform teachers can use to deliver instruction to students.


Students in grades 6-8 have access to ALEKS, an artificially intelligent learning and assessment platform that identifies students’ knowledge of a subject and provides instruction based on topics students are ready to learn.  ALEKS adapts based on student performance and tailors instruction based on students’ assessed needs.  ALEKS is accessed through students’ Clever account.


Students in grades 6-8 have access to DeltaMath, an online platform utilized by teachers to help support students' mastery of content through practice, remediation, complete solutions, and video assistance.  DeltaMath is accessed through students' Clever account.

Legends of Learning

Students in grades 6 - 8 have access to Legends of Learning, an online game based platform for learning and understanding mathematics. Teachers have the ability to assign Math Basecamp which will help students to achieve math fluency.


WCPS works with AirTutors to provide tutors for students in grades 6 - 8 virtually during small group intervention, but is also available after school hours for assistance; please contact your guidance counselor for assistance.

Curriculum Documents

Math 6/6EX Curriculum

Math 7 Curriculum

Transitional Algebra Curriculum

Math 8 Curriculum

Honors Algebra I Curriculum

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Students in grades 6-8 utilize Illustrative Mathematics as the core resource for daily instruction.  Students receive a consumable workbook that coincides with daily instruction as well as access to a digital platform containing a digital version of these materials through their Clever account.  

Parent Resources that support Illustrative Mathematics instruction can be found using the links below.

Students, parents and guardians needing more specific information regarding each course, are directed to the teacher’s Google Classroom. 

Extended and Accelerated Math Criteria in Middle School

Options are available in middle school for students to extend and accelerate their learning of mathematics. In grade 6, Math 6EX extends grade 6 content using rigorous tasks and applications.  In grade 7, Transitional Algebra accelerates beyond grade-level content.  Throughout this course, students are taught a combination of grade 7 and grade 8 standards in preparation for Honors Algebra 1 in grade 8.  Honors Algebra 1 in grade 8 is a credit-bearing, high school course that is taught with the same expectations and rigor as the high school version.  This course also includes additional prerequisite concepts that are traditionally taught in grade 8.  

Enrollment in extended and accelerated middle school courses are based on student performance data including course grades, MCAP Mathematics Assessment and NWEA MAP Growth Assessment.  

Descriptions of courses can be found in the course catalog for the current school year.