The division of Planning & Construction’s (P+C) primary focus is the development and implementation of the WCPS Educational Facilities Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan. P+C is responsible for all aspects of project development. Because accurate data is fundamental to the planning process, a large amount of planning activity is focused on facility related data collection, assessments, and analysis. Programming then identifies the problem, collects the data, performs the analysis, and develops options and recommendations for solutions. Once a solution is selected, it proceeds with the procurement, construction, and closeout of various size construction projects. P+C helps our school system focus on the relationship of facilities within the context of a PK-12 education. We work to establish and define the role facilities play in various instructional initiatives. We establish the scope, budgets, designs, and other parameters for the effective and efficient implementation of facility related projects and/or programs. We work closely with the Maintenance, Operations and Energy Division (M|O|E) to ensure sound, cost-effective long-term solutions are implemented from a building life-cycle approach.