Policy Creation & Review

Effective April 12, 2023, the Board Policy Creation, Revision, and Review Policy was revised to allow for greater Board Member input, transparency, and opportunity for community input. 

Policy review will now take place in open Work Sessions, with Board consensus required to move a policy to a public meeting for formal action.  Policies that are being moved forward will be housed on this page.

June 26, 2024 Work Session - Policies moving forward to July 9th Board Meeting:

Administration Policies

  • ADM-FAC-PL-001 - Integrated Pest Management Policy

  • ADM-HRR-PL-0001 - Health Insurance Benefit Retired Policy

Board of Education Policies

  • None reviewed

Instruction Policies

  • INS-SCH-PL-006 - Anabolic Steroids & Human Growth Hormone Policy

  • INS-SCH-PL-012 - Evaluation of Administrative Staff Policy

Student and Family Services Policies

Individuals wishing to provide comments on any of the above policies prior to the Board Meeting may send their thoughts to comments@wcboe.org or mail to Dr. Brian Raygor, WCPS, 2424 Northgate Dr., Salisbury, MD 21801