Title I Program

Title I is a federally funded program reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Title I funds are designed to help close the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their peers. The program intends to ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education and attain proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards.

Title I provides supplemental funding to schools that qualify as a high-poverty school according to eligibility for free and reduce-priced meals. Title I provides resources to schools in greatest need first. These restricted grant funds provide supplementary funding to improve the teaching and learning of children. Funds are to be used to supplement the academic programs and cannot be used to supplant the services that would be provided in the absence of these funds. For example, funds can support extra instruction in reading and/or mathematics, after-school tutoring, and summer programs to extend and reinforce the regular school curriculum beyond what is provided by the school system.

Title I Programs

There are two types of Title I program designs: school-wide and targeted assistance.

School-wide Programs

School-wide programs allow for all students and families in high poverty school zones to be eligible for Title I services. Title I school-wide programs are based on a comprehensive plan of academic support that details how all instruction, assessment, school resources, and outlines how the highly qualified teachers will be utilized to support the academic achievement of all students.

Targeted Assistance Programs

All Title I resources and support are focused on an identified group of students and families. In targeted assistance programs, all instruction, resources, and highly qualified staff support the improved academic achievement for the identified students and families.