Building the Next Generation of Leaders, Inspired by Curiosity, Creativity and Innovation
A Wicomico County Public Schools Signature School Program
![Image of Students participating in the Robotics Club](
Our program consists of students that are team-oriented problem-solvers, creative thinkers, willing to take risks and learn from failures, while also possessing an increased interest in science and technology. Student interest in STEM is crucial for student success.
![Image of students who were in the first NeXgen Cohort](
NeXgen Program originated at Salisbury Middle School during the 2018-2019 school year, as 50 eligible selected students entering 6th grade from all Wicomico County Schools took the core courses of Natural Sciences, Social and Geographical Sciences, Mathematics (6 EX, 7 Transitional Algebra, and 8 Honors Algebra I), English/Language Arts, and Project Lead the Way- Gateway Engineering and Computer Sciences. These courses are all taught at the EX/advanced levels, and are taught as year-long courses.
![Image of students in the NeXgen garden](
Each course is taught using a STEM approach that utilizes rigorous project/problem=based learning, lessons that require inquiry, problem solving, decision making, discovery, technology, and cooperative learning with a high degree of interactive hands on involvement.
![Image of students 3D Printing in the NeXus Lab](
The STEM Program is an inclusive "school within a school," where students loop with the STEM teachers and their classmates for all three years of middle school. In addition to these courses, students take electives of their choosing, and have crucial access to our NeXus lab during the instructional day each week as part of their schedule outside of their traditional course load to utilize the equipment and materials for not only program based projects, but for maker type passion projects of their own.