Good evening, Warrior Family. This is principal Branham with a few reminders and announcements.
Midterm has arrived, keep an eye out for your students' progress report coming home Wednesday.
After-school Tutoring opportunities are available on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-3:45. Please make sure to pick your student up by 3:45 at the front of the school. Students must turn in a permission slip in order to stay. Permission slips can be picked up from their homeroom teacher.
Monday, December 11: 6th - 8th grade Choir Concert 6:30
Wednesday, December 13th: 7th and 8th grade Band Concert 6:30
Parents the school is not responsible for personal items brought to school such as cell phones, earbuds, personal electronics etc. Please have your student keep valuables at home.
Dress code - no hoods, hats, bonnets or due rags, no wearing flags as capes, and no blankets. Please make sure students are wearing school appropriate clothing.
We are excited to announce the WMS Teacher of the Year Nominees. Thank you to all who submitted a nomination for one of our staff. Please see our social media accounts to see the list of teacher nominees. Great job to all!
Have a wonderful evening.