12/10 Weekly Announcements

Good evening, Warrior Family.  This is principal Branham with a few reminders and announcements.

  • Midterm has arrived, keep an eye out for your students' progress report coming home Wednesday.

  • After-school Tutoring opportunities are available on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-3:45. Please make sure to pick your student up by 3:45 at the front of the school.  Students must turn in a permission slip in order to stay.  Permission slips can be picked up from their homeroom teacher.

  • Monday, December 11: 6th - 8th grade Choir Concert 6:30

  • Wednesday, December 13th:  7th and 8th grade Band Concert 6:30

  • Parents the school is not responsible for personal items brought to school such as cell phones, earbuds, personal electronics etc. Please have your student keep valuables at home.

  • Dress code - no hoods, hats, bonnets or due rags, no wearing flags as capes, and no blankets.  Please make sure students are wearing school appropriate clothing.

  • We are excited to announce the WMS Teacher of the Year Nominees.  Thank you to all who submitted a nomination for one of our staff. Please see our social media accounts to see the list of teacher nominees.  Great job to all! 

Have a wonderful evening.