Class 2024

As we are quickly approaching the end of the semester and end of the term, please ensure that you are attending their classes regularly, completing all coursework, and recovering any missed absences through attendance recovery, prior to January 25, 2024.   If you are graduating on February 1st, please ensure that you have met you requirements in order to graduate, including service learning hours.  If you have any questions regarding your graduation status, please contact your school counselor Mrs. Pilchard.  Additionally, please be on the lookout for more graduation information including a Graduation Check List and information regarding your graduation tickets.  Please note only 8 tickets will be given to each student for graduation, a list of names will need to be submitted prior to receiving your tickets.  Also, once we have received the cap and gowns, we will individually contact students and family to arrange pick up.  Lastly, we have few great opportunities for students. First, we will have our senior portraits session by a professional photographer.   There is no sitting fee just to get the pictures taken and students and families can purchase digital files as low as $15. This will be starting at 2:30 pm on January 16, 2024. The portrait session is open to all Evening High School students graduating this year both Winter and Spring.  To sign up, please either stop by the front office and/or call the school by Friday, January 12, 2024.  Additionally, on the same day we will have Wor-Wic Community College visiting specifically to help any students with the application and the 2024-2025 FAFSA applications. Wor-Wic will be available from 3 pm to 5 pm.  As always, if you have any questions, please contact the school at 410-677-4537