promo about January 28 update to school calendar

Wicomico County Public Schools has provided school families and staff with important updates about a revision approved today (Jan. 28) to this year’s school calendar, as well as newly approved guidance for virtual learning in case of severe weather.  

Today the Board of Education approved making Friday, June 13 the last day of the school year to make up another of the days missed in January due to winter weather. Please make sure your family has the new date of Friday, June 13 on its calendar, as well as the other revisions that were announced earlier this month. Here are all the changes:

·         Monday, Feb. 3 is now a regular school day (instead of a professional development day as originally scheduled)

·         Wednesday, April 16 is now a regular school day (instead of an early dismissal day as originally scheduled)

·         Thursday, April 17 is now a 3-hour early dismissal day (instead of a day when schools were originally scheduled to be closed)

·         Friday, June 13 is now the last day of school (instead of June 12 as approved earlier this month, or June 11 as originally scheduled)

·         Tuesday, June 10-Friday, June 13 will be 3-hour early dismissal days (instead of June 10-12 as approved earlier this month, or June 9-11 as originally scheduled)

Updated calendars are available on the Calendar page of our website.

These calendar revisions make up 4 of the 6 days that schools were closed due to winter weather. Wicomico County Public Schools is awaiting the state’s response to a waiver request for the two remaining days.

In the meantime, the Board of Education today also approved 2024-2025 guidance for Virtual Learning Day: Adapting for Success During Severe Weather Events. Should this winter bring more weather that prevents school buildings from opening for instruction, Wicomico would hold school virtually, with planning, compassion and adaptability. Information is available in the guidance, which is posted on our website at the above link. Additional details will come soon.