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Tamra King
Intervention Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Cortney Kline
Pre-K Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Hema Korada
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Pinehurst Elementary School
Deborah Kraemer
Assistive Technology Specialis
Pinehurst Elementary School
Grace Lamboni
Physical Education Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Kateri Lambrose
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Pinehurst Elementary School
Amber Lewis
Grade 5 Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Robin Luffman
Food Service Manager III
Pinehurst Elementary School
Deandra Martin
Instructional Assistant II
Pinehurst Elementary School
Sherri Mcgee
Office Associate III
Pinehurst Elementary School
Kimberly Mcglinchey
Special Education Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Jennifer Mchugh
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Pinehurst Elementary School
Kerri Mcintosh
Therapist - Audiologist
Pinehurst Elementary School
Carra Molnar
Technology Specialist II
Pinehurst Elementary School
Jodi Moore
Intervention Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Naomi Morris
Pinehurst Elementary School
Sharon Morris
Home School Liaison 1
Pinehurst Elementary School
Lindsey Mount
Special Education Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Michelle Moyle
School Nurse
Pinehurst Elementary School
Matthew Murrell
Grade 3 Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School