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Michelle Schlegel
Intervention Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Erika Schlorb
School Program Coordinator I
Pinehurst Elementary School
Kristen Schoepf
Grade 3 Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Chelsea Seabrease
Pinehurst Elementary School
Debra Shockley
Special Education Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Steven Sidell
Physical Education Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Deborah Slowik
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Pinehurst Elementary School
Edith Sterling
Food Service Worker
Pinehurst Elementary School
Irvine Taylor
Certified Nursing Assistant
Pinehurst Elementary School
Syrenthia Tingle
Instructional Assistant II
Pinehurst Elementary School
Maria De Jesus Trejo Hernandez
Instructional Assistant II
Pinehurst Elementary School
John Vogel
Reading Specialist
Pinehurst Elementary School
Ashlie Webster
Grade 2 Teacher
Pinehurst Elementary School
Donna Webster
Therapist - Speech/Language
Pinehurst Elementary School
Mikela Wharry
Food Service Worker
Pinehurst Elementary School
Melvin Whitlor
Custodian I
Pinehurst Elementary School
Alece Young
Custodian I
Pinehurst Elementary School
Ikhlas Yousif
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Pinehurst Elementary School
Nancy Zelaya
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Pinehurst Elementary School