Wicomico County Public Schools Announces Principal and Assistant Principal Changes, Leadership Teams for Each School for 2023-2024 To see the full listing of leadership team members for each school visit https://bit.ly/wcpsleadership2324
over 1 year ago, Paul Butler
Brian Briggs - Parkside High Principal
The JMB Food Pantry will have a drive thru food pickup on Wednesday June 7th from 12:30 - 2:00pm at the E wing doors. Pull up and we will load your car.
almost 2 years ago, Wicomico County Public Schools
jmb food pantry drive thru wednesday june 7th from 12:30-2pm
Wicomico Public Schools Class of 2023 Commencement Ceremony Videos: Bennett - https://youtu.be/aSz7H_Z6B-Q Mardela - https://youtu.be/hgg4xoa1_TU Wi-Hi - https://youtu.be/dRglZVrPVmw Parkside - https://youtu.be/kbdArKzo_fo Evening HS - https://youtu.be/Zv3ecqikQ_Y
almost 2 years ago, Wicomico County Public Schools