Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
4 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
The current, updated 2024-2025 school year calendar is now available on our website. On Tuesday the Maryland State Board of Education approved Wicomico’s waiver request for Monday, June 16. This was the final piece of Wicomico County Public Schools' plan for making up six days missed due to winter weather. Wicomico now has the OK to end the school year on Friday, June 13 for students, teachers, instructional assistants and nurses. The earlier version of the calendar that showed school on Monday, June 16 should now be discarded. While this updated calendar still needs approval from the Wicomico County Board of Education at its March 11th meeting, the calendar is available now for reference and planning purposes. (Following the Board’s vote, only the approval note at the bottom right corner of the calendar would change.) To see this year’s current school calendar, go to www.wicomicoschools.org and click on Calendar at top right, or go directly to the Calendar page: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/o/wcps/page/calendars
6 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar in Spanish
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar in Haitian Creole
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
11 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
School Status for Tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 21): Due to road conditions from inclement weather, Wicomico County Public Schools will have a 90-minute delay Friday, Feb. 21. We encourage bus drivers, other motorists and walkers to take their time and be safe. Breakfast will not be served at school. School will provide any additional details on the day’s schedule if needed. School hours (regular, and with a 90-minute delay) are available on our website, www.wicomicoschools.org, through the Parents/Students index page: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/.../school-hours-regular...
12 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Status for February 21 is a 90-minute delay
This is an important alert regarding the status of Wicomico County Public Schools for Thursday, February 20th. Due to inclement weather, students of Wicomico County Public Schools will have a virtual learning day on Thursday. Students were sent home today with laptops and/or other learning materials to be ready for virtual learning. Please check messages from your student’s school for virtual learning day instructions. Staff have received instructions by email. Please be safe. Thank you.
13 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Wicomico students will have virtual learning day Thursday, February 20th
This is an important school status message from Wicomico County Public Schools. Due to inclement weather, Wicomico County Public Schools has cancelled all after-school and evening activities for Wednesday, Feb. 19. Please note this includes the high school Pathways to Success Night at Wor-Wic; it will be rescheduled in March. Students will bring home instructional items such as laptops, chargers and learning materials today for a potential virtual learning day on Thursday. No decision has been made on Thursday’s school status. All school families and staff will be notified if there are any updates on Thursday’s status. Please be safe. Thank you.
13 days ago, Tracy Sahler
School status alert for Wednesday, Feb. 19
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
18 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
We know families and staff are wondering about tomorrow's school status, so we wanted to let everyone know that as of now, we anticipate opening on time and in schools Thursday, Feb. 13. If there were foggy conditions in the morning that necessitated a delay, families and staff would be notified through the usual process. We look forward to seeing everyone in school bright and early tomorrow.
20 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Information about school status for February 13th
Important update on the status of Wicomico County Public Schools for Wednesday, Feb. 12: On Wednesday, Wicomico Schools will have a virtual learning day. Students were sent home with laptops and/or other learning materials. Please check the messages from your student’s school (or the school or schools where you work) for virtual learning day instructions. Those who work in the Central Office and school offices will work remotely on Wednesday, as informed by email before 6:30 a.m. Wednesday. Please be safe.
21 days ago, Tracy Sahler
School status for February 12th is a virtual learning day
Today the Wicomico County Board of Education approved a final 2024-2025 school calendar adjustment to make up for one of the days missed in January. As preferred by the most people who responded to a survey on makeup day options, and as recommended by the Superintendent and his team, the Board approved changing the Feb. 17 Presidents Day holiday to a day of school with 3-hour early dismissal. Of the nearly 5,400 responses to the school system’s calendar adjustment survey, more (45%) favored making up a missed school day from January with a school day with 3-hour early dismissal on Monday, Feb. 17 than on either of the other two potential dates. Please plan accordingly.
21 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Information about February 17th now being a school day with 3-hour early dismissal
Due to expectant inclement weather, the Wicomico County Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Feb.. 11 at 7 p.m. will now be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. The meeting will still be held at 101 Long Ave., Salisbury.
22 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Information about Board of Ed meeting now at 1:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. due to winter weather forecast
In anticipation of winter weather affecting the school schedule this week, please note that students will bring home laptops and other materials today. (We recognize this may require students to transport materials back and forth, but it is necessary to be prepared in case snow comes sooner than is currently predicted.) Tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 11) will be a school day, but we are announcing now that schools will dismiss 3 hours early on Tuesday, with no after-school or evening activities. Wicomico County Public Schools is prepared to have a virtual learning day on Wednesday, Feb. 12 if needed. School families and staff should remain alert for other school status updates this week.
22 days ago, Tracy Sahler
School status alert for Tuesday February 11, 3 hour early dismissal
The highest level of support on a recent calendar adjustment survey favored making up a missed school day from January by having a school day with early dismissal on Monday, Feb. 17. This calendar adjustment has been recommended to the Board of Education, which will vote on it at its meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
22 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Information about a likely change to the school calendar on February 17
You could enjoy a two-show day on this wintry day while supporting our students in the performing arts. At 2 p.m. Saturday, catch the James M. Bennett High Rock & Roll Revival in the JMB Auditorium. At 7 p.m. Saturday, join the Parkside Players in the Parkside High Auditorium to enjoy "Snoopy: The Musical." Don't miss these great productions featuring our high school students. Parkside Players' "Snoopy: The Musical" will also be performed at 2 p.m. Sunday, in the Parkside Auditorium. Thanks to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore for providing a grant to support this musical and its educational outreach to young theatergoers. Tickets are $10 cash at the door. The JMB Rock & Roll Revival also has shows at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday, then Feb. 13-16. Tickets are $25. This show is presented by the JMB PTSA, and proceeds support the entire school. Tickets and information: https://jmbrockandrollrevival.com/home/show-dates/https://jmbrockandrollrevival.com/home/show-dates/ You'll find these and other events and activities for youth and families on our eBulletinBoard. Flyers for several upcoming school events are included in this post. To see more, including flyers from our community, visit the eBulletinBoard: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/o/wcps/page/ebulletinboard
24 days ago, Tracy Sahler
JMB Rock & Roll Revival flyer
Snoopy: The Musical flyer
JMB Rock & Roll Revival dancers
JMB Rock & Roll Revival singers
Snoopy: The Musical at Parkside, class scene
Parkside's Snoopy, the Musical scene with two people
February 23 Soul Food Dinner to benefit SkillsUSA
March 4th Big Plans Night
STEM Saturdays schedule
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
25 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
The Wicomico County Board of Education will hold a public budget hearing at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 in the Board Auditorium at 101 Long Ave., Salisbury. All are invited to attend to give input for next year's school system budget.
27 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Information about the February 6 budget hearing
Reminder: Monday, Feb. 3 is a regular school day instead of the originally approved professional day. Feb 3 will make up one of the days schools were closed due to winter weather. We look forward to seeing all of our students Monday morning for the start of the 3rd marking term and 2nd semester.
30 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Reminder that February 3rd is now a regular school day
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. Reminder: Monday, Feb. 3 is a regular school day to make up for a day schools were closed for winter weather.
about 1 month ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
Jan. 31 is the last day of the 2nd marking term and the 1st semester. It is also an early dismissal day for students, with schools dismissing 3 hours early.
about 1 month ago, Tracy Sahler
January 31 early dismissal day
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
about 1 month ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole