LETTER DAY (Week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
Have you had a chance to nominate a great teacher for Wicomico Teacher of the Year? This would be an excellent time to show that teacher just how much their dedication is noticed and appreciated. Nominations will be taken through Friday, Dec. 1.
QR codes to the nomination form in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole are on the promo posted here. Learn more and access the links here: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/article/1317784
We will host our Scholastic Book Fair during the week of December 4th- December 8th. It will be open daily from 8:15-9:15a.m in our library. We will host a Paret Night on Thursday, December 7th from 4:00-6:00p.m.
Please come out and join us! The joy of reading is a great gift to give this holiday season!
LETTER DAY (Week of Nov. 20-24):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
LETTER DAY (Week of Nov. 13-17):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
Next monthly Wicomico Board of Education meeting will be 7 pm Tuesday, Nov. 14 in the Board of Education Auditorium, 101 Long Ave., Salisbury. Pre-registration for public comments required. Online pre-registration open through Monday, Nov. 13. https://board_public_comments.wcboe.org/
Reminder for students and families: Tuesday, Nov. 7 is the last day of the 1st marking term. Students will be dismissed 3 hours early. Report cards will come out on Nov. 14.
LETTER DAY (Week of Nov. 6-10):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
Families and staff: Reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends early on Sunday morning. Remember to set those clocks back an hour so you'll be on time for Sunday activities and school on Monday.
Amazing teachers work in Wicomico County Public Schools every day, and your chance to nominate one or more for Wicomico Teacher of the Year is now here. Nominations can be quickly and easily submitted online, and the form is available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. The deadline for nominations is Dec. 1, but don't delay, nominate today! Read more: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/article/1317784
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 30-Nov. 3):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
The first Superintendent's Open Door Session of the 2023-2024 school year will take place from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25 at the school system's office at 2424 Northgate Drive. Anyone who would like to meet with Superintendent Dr. Micah Stauffer about Wicomico County Public Schools may have up to 15 minutes, no appointment needed. Open door slots are on a first-come, first-served basis. Information: 410-677-4495.
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 23-27):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
Reminder: Thursday is a 3-hour early dismissal day for students, with staff professional development in the afternoon. Schools are closed Friday, the day of the Maryland State Education Association Convention.
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 16-20):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 9-13):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 9-13):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
The next monthly meeting of the Wicomico County Board of Education is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10 in the Board of Education Auditorium at 101 Long Ave., Salisbury.
For the Oct. 10th meeting, the Board will convene at 1:00 p.m. and immediately vote to go into closed session. The open portion of the meeting will begin at about 1:30 p.m. The agenda for this meeting will be available by the Friday before the meeting on BoardDocs: https://go.boarddocs.com/mabe/wcboe/Board.nsf/Public
This meeting will be livestreamed on the Watch Board Meetings page of the school system’s website (www.wicomicoschools.org). Meetings are viewable after they have ended and may be accessed in a variety of places, including BoardDocs, PAC 14, YouTube and the website of Wicomico County Public Schools.
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 2-6):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)
LETTER DAY (Week of Oct. 2-6):The schedule of elementary letter days is posted weekly in the Live Feed on the school system's home page and on all elementary school home pages, including Pittsville Elementary & Middle. (Use of the letter day in middle schools varies by school; please check with the school for details.)